About Us
The Opotiki Community REAF Trust was established in 2022 as a New Zealand charitable trust, but this was not the start of our story.
Deployments of marine enhancing materials in Opotiki waters had been made during the previous decade, and an increase in fish numbers and fish diversity recorded.
But the real vision of the charitable Opotiki Community REAF Trust lies beyond merely fishing, it is also to enhance the 'Mauri' or life force of the oceans and it's marine life. We do this through involving others in the process of enhancing the seabed with personalised marine structures.
Our logo painted on our office hull (see pic) depicts making a connection between our actions, our knowledge and our higher selves.
Opotiki itself is progressing with the establishment of a huge open ocean mussel farm of its shoreline, a new in 2022 mussel factory, and a new in 2023 Harbour entrance.
It was considered timely by a group of us to rejuvenate prior efforts to create a Recreational Enhanced Area for Fishing (REAF). A report done by Toi Ohomai marine studies divers in 2021 gave us pointers on what is likely to be more effective as possible structures.
The original consented area is still considered well located for fish and fisher-folk of Opotiki. (See Chart NZ542) Although not a great area for divers as the visibility is usually less than a meter, fish seem quite happy in it.
Perhaps a theory only, but the personalisation of reef materials together with a broader holistic understanding of how our world works, continues to be a unique feature of marine enhancement as we practice it.
With the downloadable free Fishing Guide and Log Sheet we are endeavoring to measure how the Community Reef benefits marine life and Opotiki, plus make visible a connection between our inner selves and good fishing.
Working to involve others in marine enhancement has always been a feature of REAF. From community groups, hapu, Iwi, school groups and even kindergarten children, all can be involved via art in creating mauri enhancing gifts for Tangaroa.
May the fish be with you.